Mini Wind Farms

Almost as soon as small wind turbine were conceived, it was realized that somebody they could be used to build miniature power plants. Now, this concept has become a reality. Our AP5.4 compact dimensions and low mass let you connect a large number (10's, 100's or more) of them in a field or facility. This makes it possible to build mini or micro wind farms in the outskirts or vast open spaces with in cities(with a variety of installation option), on the tops buildings, on remote islands, on hills and mountain tops, or on the ocean, these mini wind farms. Provide lower capital and operating costs(because of our competitive pricing ) and complimented by higher efficiency than large wind farms that use mega-watt wind turbines. This is possible for two reasons.
Their high wind - wind energy conversion efficiency ( higher by > 45% compared to large wind turbines ) across the entire wind speed spectrum up to 45m/s.
Their superior wind tracking ability, thanks to unique angle governing technology which lets the turbine continue operation even at higher wind speeds and superior electronics that help to transfer generated energy into local grid at high efficiency, specially designed guy-less polygonal tubular towers will enable to space turbines 3Dx4D spacing with high array efficiency.
Micro Wind Array
Capacity : 54 KW
Number of Machines : 10 Nos.
Performance Equivalent : 80 KW
Annual Generation : 66000 KWH for 11-12 MPH
Winds : ~ 5 - 5.4 M/s
Array Efficiency : > 96%
Area Required : < 60 M x 40 M